Excellent 4.8 stars on Trustpilot

Disappointed with Helium10?

Find out why Jungle Scout is the industry’s leading tool, used by 9 of the top 10 Amazon sellers. Get better results and all of the features you need!


Sellers who used Jungle Scout for a year grew their Amazon revenue an average of 367%.

Best Online Marketplace Optimization Tool 2 Years In A Row

G2 takes pride in showing unbiased reviews on user satisfaction, not allowing paid placements in any of their ratings, rankings, or reports. Listed as the market leader, Jungle Scout scored highest in every metric making it the G2’s best online marketplace optimization tool.

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Jungle Scout vs Helium 10

See how we compare side by side


Helium 10




$69 per month / $589 per year

$99 per month / $948 per year

Trustpilot Customer Rating



AI Integrated Tools


Leverage the power of AI through Review Analysis, Listing Building, Profit Overview & Chat. Get more recommendations and insights to fuel your business.

Listing Builder

Product Tracker


Add and track any ASIN to see 3 months of historical product data; create groups of similar products to view an organized roll-up of sales metrics and validate new product ideas

Track ASINs within a single, ungrouped list; ASINs are not searchable and must be added from Helium 10, with no historical analysis or group sales metrics

Market Tracker

Track unlimited groups of ASINs and 150 total products in Rank Tracker and Product Tracker

Track up to 3 product groups, with each “market” limited to 5 ASINs

Rank Tracker


Track up to 3500 keywords and view keyword rank history for multiple keywords on the same graph; create on-the-fly keyword lists with reverse ASIN search capabilities

Track up to 2500 keywords and view keyword rank history for only one keyword at a time; keywords must be entered manually or from a previous keyword list before tracking



Unlimited ASINs

Up to 300 ASINs

Inventory Managaer


Unlimited ASINs

Up to 40 SKUs

Review Automation


Automate unlimited review requests within Seller Central

Send up to 5,000 automated follow-up emails

Listing Builder


Sync from Seller Central to Jungle Scout; sync from Jungle Scout to Seller Central

One-way sync from Seller Central to Helium 10

Seller Central Connected Accounts

Unlimited accounts

Up to 2 accounts

Multi-User Login


1 user per account, with the option to add up to 6 seats

Up to 1 user per account only

Monthly Expert Training


Exclusive access to Tooltip Tuesdays

No access to expert training

4 out of 5 of Amazon sellers wish they started sooner.

Join the 1 million+ sellers using Jungle Scout.

More sellers choose Jungle Scout

“I find that Jungle Scout is fundamental for those who want to start a business on Amazon. Moreover it helps create a scientific mindset when dealing with any business. In fact, all the tools of Jungle Scout assist the typical processes in the creation and development of a business.”
– Tiziano

What customers are saying about us

The most accurate data in the industry

Our proprietary AccuSales™ algorithm powers our product research and analyzes over 2B+ data points daily. You can make decisions with confidence knowing you’re backed by the most accurate data in the industry.

Seller Central integration

Our features are fully connected to your Seller Central account, so you can seamlessly sync your data to Amazon. Seller Central integration makes selling easier and faster than ever before.

Tools to help with every step

Whether you’re launching your business or adding a product to your portfolio, Jungle Scout helps you get the job done. Our exploration and tracking features cover everything from product research to business management.

24/7 support from Amazon experts

Our dedicated customer service team is here to answer your questions. We work around the clock to ensure your business is operating smoothly. As Amazon experts ourselves, we know the challenges and opportunities firsthand.

Get the industry-leading Amazon data used by the top sellers on Amazon.

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