Browser Extension

Assess a product’s potential in seconds

Validate product ideas as you browse Amazon.

Jungle Scout Amazon chrome extension dashboard

What is the browser extension?

You can add the power of Jungle Scout to your web browser by installing our extension for either Chrome or Firefox. Evaluate new opportunities, forecast product sales, and request reviews with the most robust browser extension for Amazon.

Get key product insights

Jungle Scout’s Amazon Chrome extension populates key insights including product demand, competitive data, and profit projections directly from Amazon for the product page or search results page you’re viewing.

Product insights within the chrome extension

Validate your product ideas

Determine if a product is a worthwhile investment with the most accurate real-time data. Our AccuSales™ algorithm analyzes over 1 billion data points daily to take the guesswork out of product research — see historical sales, historical pricing, and monthly sales estimates instantly.

Historical sales data in the chrome extension

Ready to start? Explore pricing and plans.

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Grade potential with Opportunity Score

Quickly validate or eliminate any product idea by using our proprietary Opportunity Score. This metric blends demand, competition, and listing quality data to determine a product’s potential.

Jungle Scout’s proprietary opportunity score


Turn customer feedback into better products

Leverage AI Review Analysis to discover common themes in seller and competitor reviews for any given ASIN. Identify pain points and address customer needs to outperform competition with value-driven products.

Jungle Scout AI Review

Customizable overlays on Amazon search pages

Display ASIN metrics directly on Amazon search pages and top 100 category pages. Customize your view to see the data that’s most important for your business like brand, price, monthly sales, rating, and Listing Quality Score.

Customizable views feature in the chrome extension

View valuable data directly on a product page

See important product information embedded directly on a product listing page. View graphs of historical data like monthly sales, price, and rank as well as current data like product fees, category rank, Listing Quality Score, and more. Easily add products to Keyword Scout and Product Tracker with a click of a button.

Product page views in the chrome extension

Get a sales overview on Seller Central

View a graphical breakdown of organic sales vs. PPC sales directly on your Seller Central home page — a capability exclusive to Jungle Scout. Sort by daily, monthly, or custom date ranges and see other product metrics like cost per click, page views, and impressions.

Sales overview feature in the chrome extension

Request reviews

Easily send requests for product reviews from your customers with Jungle Scout’s Amazon Chrome extension. Now, FBA sellers can send individual requests to all eligible customers directly through Seller Central in just one click.

Request review feature in the chrome extension

Successful FBA sellers depend on Jungle Scout

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