How to Sell on Amazon FBA: 9-Step Guide for Beginners
What is Amazon FBA? How can you find a product and start a business to earn income? Follow along with Jungle Scout’s step-by-step tutorials.
STEP 1: Research Products
How to do Amazon Product Research
Your product is the backbone of your Amazon business, so doing product research is the essential first step in your FBA journey. But how do you know what makes a good product to sell? Join Amazon expert Lenny Smith as he walks through everything a beginner needs to know about finding a product to sell on Amazon. Learn more about the Extension.
You’ll learn:
- The 6 characteristics of a profitable product
- How to do profitability calculations on a product idea
- How to use Jungle Scout to identify product opportunities easily
STEP 2: Find a Supplier
Our 4-Step Process for Finding an Amazon Supplier
Finding the correct supplier for your product can be tricky. Join our in-house Amazon expert, Jake Zaratsian, as he shows how to navigate Alibaba to ensure you’re working with a reputable supplier and how Jungle Scout can identify your competitor’s manufacturer. Learn more about the Supplier Database.
You’ll learn:
- Our 4-step process for identifying a supplier
- What to say in your outreach email to suppliers
- How to compare suppliers and identify your best partner
STEP 3: Select a Product
How to Choose a Product to Sell
It’s very easy to get stuck in an endless product research phase and never actually start selling on Amazon. We’re giving you a simple framework for sifting through your ideas and selecting a product to launch.
You’ll learn:
- How to compare potential product niches
- How to calculate your break-even price
- What criteria to use to narrow down your product ideas list
STEP 4: Brand
Build Your Amazon Brand & Business
Running a successful Amazon business takes more than finding a product. There are several logistical decisions to make, including whether or not to build a brand, whether to start an LLC and what type of Seller Central account to start. These decisions impact your business; we’ll walk you through each consideration.
You’ll learn:
- How to build your brand
- The three benefits of setting up an LLC
- How to set up your Seller Central account
STEP 5: Package
Understanding Barcodes & Packaging
One of the most confusing parts of selling on Amazon is the different barcodes you need, & when to use each. This step can stump many sellers, so we’ve compiled the ultimate barcode guide! We’re also including some packaging best practices so your product can put its best foot forward.
You’ll learn:
- The difference between FNSKU & UPC barcodes
- What you need each barcode for
- The process for legally purchasing UPC barcodes, & where to find your FNSKU
STEP 6: Order
What it Takes to Place Your First Order
Ordering your first round of inventory from your supplier can feel overwhelming, but if you’ve been following along, it doesn’t have to be scary. We’re guiding you through this process and bringing you one step closer to becoming an Amazon seller!
You’ll learn:
- How to negotiate with your supplier on price
- How to create a purchase order
- Whether or not you need a product inspection
STEP 7: Ship
How to Ship Your Product
As you eagerly await your product’s manufacture, how do you navigate the confusing world of shipping terms, customs forms, and logistics companies to get your product from the manufacturer to Amazon? What is a freight forwarder? How do you create a shipping plan for Seller Central? We’ll answer all these questions and more!
You’ll learn:
- Why you should hire a freight forwarder
- How to save money with Amazon Global Logistics
- How to create a shipping plan in Seller Central
STEP 8: Optimize
How to Build an Optimized Product Listing
Your product can be the best on the market, but without an optimized listing, your customers won’t find it! So, how do you stand out in a sea of listings? How do you ensure your listing includes the search terms shoppers use? And how do you enter all your listing information inside Seller Central? Join Jake as he walks through the six steps of creating an optimized listing.
You’ll learn:
- What to include in your title, bullet points, & description
- How to build your listing in Seller Central
- What Amazon’s image requirements are
STEP 9: Launch
How to Launch Your Product
When you launch a new product on Amazon, you lack one key thing: product reviews. Without reviews, customers will be unlikely to purchase your product. So what can you do about this? We’ll walk through our 2-step process for getting your first reviews.
You’ll learn:
- Why product reviews are essential when launching a new product
- Strategies for driving more sales to your product
- Strategies for boosting your rate of review
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