Amazon intelligence, unlocked

9 out of 10 top Amazon sellers use Jungle Scout to increase profitability, uncover growth opportunities, and stay ahead of competitors.

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The industry-leading Amazon seller software empowering over 1 million sellers

Jungle Scout equips sellers, agencies, global brands, and retailers with Amazon marketplace insights and robust market intelligence data to scale their business faster and more efficiently.

NEWCompetitor insights

Leverage competitive intelligence tools to benchmark your brand, grow market share, and dominate on Amazon.

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Keyword analysis

Discover high-volume, low competition keywords to boost organic traffic and drive conversions.

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Rank tracking

Monitor changes to your share of voice against competitors — improve listings and gauge the ROI of PPC campaigns.

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Product research

Identify profitable opportunities instantly within a database of over 500 million Amazon products.

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Sellers who used Jungle Scout for a year grew their Amazon revenue an average of 367%

Multiply the impact of every decision with automated insights, simplified workflows, robust data, and unparalleled customer support.

Market intelligence for leading brands

Cobalt helps the top-selling brands, retailers and agencies make better ecommerce decisions faster and with more confidence.

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Jungle Scout is the #1 trusted solution for building & managing your Amazon business.

See how industry leaders use Jungle Scout’s suite of tools to maximize profits.

The Libman brand experienced a 60% sales increase on Amazon.

“Without Jungle Scout, there would have been a 0% chance I would go on to start a life changing and successful Amazon FBA business…”

Dan Vas


The Wahl® brand increased new product sales by 80% after implementing competitive keyword insights.

“Jungle Scout is an absolute MUST. It truly is the most user-friendly and useful tool for Amazon sellers. ”

Tatiana James

7-figure Ecommerce entrepreneur

Grow your Amazon business with Jungle Scout

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