Trends and Market Dynamics for Major Retailers

This report explores sales trends, consumer demand, market dynamics, and other data to answer the question: What does the Amazon landscape really look like for retailers? Get insights on big names like Ulta, Party City, Rite Aid, and more

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Key Insights

Sales and revenue are growing year-over-year for retailers that sell on Amazon. Major players like Victoria’s Secret have experienced 100%+ revenue growth compared to last year.

Consumer demand for popular retailers’ products is growing on Amazon. Shoppers have searched for products from retailers like Lululemon and Bath & Body Works over 1 million times in the last 12 months.

Some retailers aren’t on Amazon – but their products are. Revenue for third-party sellers of products from retailers like Sephora is well into the millions.

Retailers in this report

Download the full report

In this report, you'll find:
  • Sales growth, revenue trends, and top-selling products for retailers selling on Amazon
  • Expert insight into the risks and benefits of selling on Amazon for major retailers
  • Insights on third-party sales, market trends, and search volume for leading retailers who aren’t currently selling on Amazon
  • And more!

About the report


The data included in this category report was gathered using Jungle Scout Cobalt and Jungle Scout Data Cloud. This data represents the U.S. marketplace for specified date ranges and filter parameters. Some percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Unless otherwise noted, year-over-year trends data reflects the period of January 1, 2023 – November 11, 2023 compared to January 1, 2022 – November 11, 2022. Year-to-date (YTD) data reflects the period of January 1, 2023 – November 11, 2023.

Using the data

We encourage you to explore Jungle Scout Cobalt’s Retailers Gone Amazon Report and to share, reference, and publish the findings with attribution to “Jungle Scout Cobalt” and a link to this page. For more information, specific data requests, media assets, or to reach the report’s authors, please contact us at [email protected].

About Jungle Scout Data Cloud

Jungle Scout Data Cloud provides a full view of the Amazon market by giving retailers access to millions of data points, including sales estimates, historical search volume, share of voice, product insights, and more. For retailers, Data Cloud offers needed scalability and flexibility by providing a way to get Jungle Scout’s industry-leading data, with the ability to analyze and visualize that data using the tools of their choice.

With Data Cloud, retailers:

  • Access millions of Amazon data points through Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Snowflake, and more
  • Extract insights using tools like Snowflake, Azure, and others
  • Create custom visualizations in tools like PowerBI, Tableau, and more
  • Gain a comprehensive perspective of the Amazon market
  • Analyze trends in consumer demand
  • Investigate third-party sellers
  • Get priority access to newly released datasets

About Jungle Scout Cobalt

Jungle Scout Cobalt provides brands and retailers with powerful ecommerce tools to drive growth, maximize sales, and optimize digital shelf performance on Amazon. Our comprehensive data analytics, built-in advertising automation, and intuitive visualizations provide straightforward answers to critical ecommerce questions, turning insights into action.

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