Amazon Market Watch: Which mental health and wellness products had 500%+ Amazon sales increases in September?

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day – an annual, global push for increased awareness of the importance of mental health and the mental health issues that millions of people live with every day.

The observance comes just as the days are growing shorter and winter approaches, bringing with it the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It’s estimated that around 10 million people are impacted by SAD in the United States alone.

As consumers prepare for the shifting seasons, many are seeking out products that contribute to their mental health and wellness – from light therapy lamps to stress-reducing bath products.

In this post, we delve into Jungle Scout Cobalt data to learn how people have been shopping for mental health and self-care products on Amazon in the last 30 days.

Mental Health & Wellness Product Trends on Amazon

Light Therapy Lamps

Seasonal Affective Disorder is caused by reduced exposure to natural sunlight during the fall and winter months, which can disrupt the body’s internal clock and lead to changes in mood and sleep patterns. Because of this, light therapy lamps are often helpful for those coping with SAD. 

In the last 30 days, related searches have begun to increase on Amazon:

  • Searches for “natural light lamp for office” have increased 242%
  • Searches for “light therapy lamp for seasonal depression” have increased 122%
  • Searches for “seasonal depression lamp” have increased 120%

In September, a number of light therapy lamps saw significant month-over-month sales increases on Amazon:

This Rikinic light therapy lamp saw sales jump up 1,691% month-over-month.

Sales of this Daxing light therapy lamp had a similar boost, growing 1,677% in the same time frame.

While it didn’t crack 4-figures, the sales growth of this Lastar light therapy lamp was still significant, with a 440% increase from August to September.

Sunrise Alarm Clocks

Sunrise alarm clocks are another helpful product for those dealing with SAD, as they create a more gentle and natural experience waking up. In the last 30 days, searches for “gentle wake alarm clock” are up 226% on Amazon, and searches for “sunrise wake up light” are up 101%.

Some of the alarm clocks that saw the largest sales increases in September include:

This wake-up sunrise alarm clock from Kinikiss, which had 601% month-over-month sales growth.

As well as this Hatch Restore 2 alarm clock and pillow bundle, which saw sales increase by 408%.

Learn more about health and wellness product trends with our Health & Household Category Snapshot Report.

Mindfulness & Mental Health Journals

Journaling is a popular practice for people working towards a number of mental health and wellness goals, from improving overall mindfulness to managing concerns like stress and anxiety.

Amazon search trends data shows a growing interest in journaling over the last 30 days:

  • Searches for “daily journal with prompts for mental health” are up 329%
  • Searches for “journal mental health” are up 276%

Here are some of the most popular journals among Amazon shoppers in September:

Sales of Everstrive’s mindfulness and productivity journal were up 997% month-over-month.

Both mental health and the upcoming holiday season may be fueling sales of gratitude journals. Sales of this one from Memory Fish were up 756% last month.

And sales of this journal from Templatables had a 671% sales growth in September.

White Noise Machines & Weighted Blankets

Restful sleep is a crucial part of managing the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder and is important for mental health overall. Products like white noise machines and weighted blankets give shoppers additional tools for improving their sleep.

Sales of many of these products are increasing as the colder months draw near.

Sales of this Wenersi weighted blanket were up 875% in September.

This Wemore sherpa fleece weighted blanket also had a notable increase, with sales up 422% month-over-month.

Sales of this iDealSleep white noise machine, which doubles as a night light, were up 237% in September.

Spa & Bath Products

Indulging in spa and bath products is a popular self-care practice. Items like soothing bath soaks and Epsom salt offer aromatherapeutic and other benefits that can help with relaxation and stress relief.

Here are some of the spa and bath products that saw impressive sales increases in September:

This Dr. Teal’s Epsom Salt bath soak set, which has mixes to both soothe and restore, had 3,866% sales growth in September.

Aromatherapy products are popular with shoppers who prefer showers, too. Sales of these Vicks Aromatherapy shower tablets were up 1,656% month-over-month.

Like the Dr. Teal’s bundle, this Life is Calm Epsom salt saw a significant sales boost in September as well, with a 716% increase.

Mental Health Product Trends for the New Year

As consumers increasingly prioritize mental health and well-being, more brands are offering products that contribute to overall wellness. Mental health is an integral aspect of one’s health, and products that enhance well-being can make a profound impact on people’s lives.

As we head toward the New Year, many mental health and wellness products will see an increase in demand as shoppers prepare for their New Year’s resolutions. In January, brands and retailers selling products like fitness equipment, planners and journals, self-care items, healthy eating tools, and more will see some of the year’s best opportunities to engage customers and drive sales.

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About This Report

The product data in this report is representative of the U.S. Amazon market. Market insights on Amazon products were sourced from Jungle Scout Cobalt, an industry-leading market intelligence, advertising optimization, and ecommerce reporting platform powered by nearly 2 billion Amazon data points. 30-day trends data and month-over-month comparison data reflect the period of September 1, 2023 – September 30, 2023.

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