Amazon Seller Strategies Episode #14: Amazon Product Launch Strategies

Welcome to episode 14 of Seller Strategies! In this episode, Ervin and Adam share the tips and tricks around a successful Amazon Product Launch.

In it, they cover the following:

  • Getting on the first page of Amazon
  • Ranking factors
  • The Ultimate Goal
  • Launching a product on Amazon in 2019

So, get comfy, watch the video, then keep on reading! And don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel! That way you’ll never miss an episode:

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Welcome to Seller Strategies!

Today, I’m excited to announce that I’ve been invited by our partners over at Splitly and Fetcher to participate in their weekly videos series called Seller Strategies!

Seller Strategies is the series where we answer specific questions related to selling on Amazon, asked by you in five minutes or less! In this recent episode, I joined Ervin from the Splitly team to talk about Amazon launch strategies in 2019.

Here’s what we spoke about.

Getting on the first page of Amazon

In a perfect world, you would publish your new listing on Amazon and immediately show up on the first page for your most important search term. Imagine that! You’d start your new product off with the most exposure and the highest chance of selling well and making money.

Although, if it were that simple everyone would do it. That’s why, in order to succeed on Amazon, you need to understand how they rank your product. You also need to have a strategy for getting to the first page.

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Ranking factors

Amazon ranks your product based on a number of things, but these key metrics hold the most weight and can be controlled if you are strategic enough:

  • Sales velocity. Measured by how many sales you make per day.
  • Sales history. Based on your product’s overall sales performance.
  • Conversion rate. The percentage of people who click on your listing and actually purchase your product.
  • Keyword relevance. What keywords generate the most sales for your product.

The trick for ranking on the first page is to match the number of sales the top sellers for that search term are making daily. If you can do that for one to two weeks you’ll start ranking higher in the results.

The Ultimate Goal

If your product makes it to the first page and sells well, the results should result in more sales and propel your product’s to rank even higher. Products who can keep this cycle going will be the long-term winners in a category, reaping the benefits by being the top earners making the most sales.

Launching a product on Amazon in 2019

To successfully launch a product on Amazon in 2019 we recommend running a promotional giveaway on a platform like Jungle Scout.

The reason is simple: we’ve already done the work for you by gathering together over 100,000 ready-to-buy shoppers who are looking to purchase your products. This saves you the time, money, and effort in takes to find an audience for your product outside of Amazon.

Plus, a promotional giveaway helps you get sales for your product rapidly, and increases your sales velocity.  And because Amazon ranks your product in the search results based on your daily average sales, this strategy helps drive you to the top of the search results.

Once you’ve hit the first page, it will give your product more exposure and you can begin to see organic sales.

Subscribe to the Jungle Scout YouTube channel for updates on when new Seller Strategies episodes every Friday!

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