Amazon Seller Demographics in 2021

Amazon’s third-party sellers made up more than half of the company’s projected $300 billion revenue in 2020. So, just who are these people?

The team at Jungle Scout surveyed thousands of Amazon sellers to learn more about them, their business strategies, sales, and more. Male or female, college grads or retired seniors, working a full-time job or earning income from their Amazon business alone — Amazon sellers are about as diverse as the products they offer.

We take a closer look a Amazon seller demographics, particularly:

  1. Gender: Are more Amazon sellers men or women?
  2. Age: How old are most Amazon sellers?
  3. Location: Where do most Amazon sellers live?
  4. Education: How educated are Amazon sellers?
  5. Employment: Are Amazon sellers employed?

Let’s dive into the data.


1. Gender: Are more Amazon sellers men or women?

In 2021, nearly two-thirds (64%) of Amazon sellers are men, compared to just a third (32%) who are women.

  • Men: 64%
  • Women: 32%
  • All others: 6%

amazon seller demographics: gender


2.  Age: How old are most Amazon sellers?

While the majority of Amazon sellers (58%) are between 25 and 44 years old, more than a third of sellers (37%) are over age 45. The most common age for an Amazon seller is 39.

  • 18-24: 5%
  • 25-34: 30%
  • 35-44: 28%
  • 45-54: 21%
  • 55-64: 12%
  • 65-80: 3%
  • 80+: <1%

amazon seller demographics: age


3. Location: Where do most Amazon sellers live?

Nearly half (49%) of all Amazon sellers surveyed live in the United States, followed by China (7%), the UK (7%), Canada (7%), and India (4%) .

The remaining 25% are located in both English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries throughout the world.

  1. United States: 49%
  2. China: 7%
  3. United Kingdom: 7%
  4. Canada: 7%
  5. India: 5%

All other countries: 25%

amazon seller demographics: global location

Where do sellers in the United States live?

In the U.S., 18% of sellers surveyed are based in California, 9% in Florida, 9% in Texas, 6% in New York, and 4% in Illinois. 

The four states with the largest percentage of Amazon sellers are both coastal and highly populated, but New Jersey and Ohio are close behind. 

  1. California: 18%
  2. Florida: 9%
  3. Texas: 9%
  4. New York: 6%
  5. Illinois 6%

All other states: 53% 


4. Education: How educated are Amazon sellers?

Amazon sellers are largely educated. The majority (71%) have a bachelor’s degree or higher, and 28% have master’s or higher. 

On the other hand, 12% have a high school diploma/GED, and 2% have no high school or higher education.

  • No high school/GED/secondary education: 2%
  • High school diploma/GED/secondary education: 12%
  • Associate’s degree/some post-secondary education: 13%
  • Bachelor or equivalent: 43%
  • Master or equivalent: 26%
  • Doctoral or equivalent: 2%
  • Trade/technical/vocational or other: 2%

amazon seller demographics: education level


5. Employment: Are Amazon sellers employed?

Most Amazon sellers (70%) have other work outside their Amazon businesses. In fact, 36% have full-time jobs of 40 or more hours per week, and 22% earn income from their Amazon sales alone.

  • Student: 1%
  • Not employed; looking for work: 1%
  • Furloughed due to COVID: 1%
  • Employed, working 1-39 hours per week: 9%
  • Employed, working 40+ hours per week: 36%
  • Self-employed/own own business: 25%
  • Earn income only from Amazon business: 22%
  • Not currently working (including maternity/paternity leave and stay-at-home parents): 1%
  • Disabled, not able to work: 1%
  • Retired: 2%
  • Other: 1%

amazon seller demographics: employment 



Between December 1-28, 2020, Jungle Scout surveyed 4,819 Amazon sellers, including prospective and former sellers. Respondents represent 70 countries, all 17 Amazon marketplaces, and all relevant Amazon product categories. This survey included people aged 18 to 80+, as well as all genders and levels of education.

This report focuses on experienced Amazon sellers who have more than one year of selling experience and at least one live product listing. Comparisons to previous data (see 2020 report) reference only these active sellers; 2021 data represents 989 of these active sellers.

Due to rounding, some data may amount to greater or less than 100%.

To see the full results of this survey, check out Jungle Scout’s 2021 State of the Amazon Seller Report.

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