2020 campaign merchandise: Bernie Sanders action figure

Bernie, Trump, Warren…Whose Products Are the Biggest Sellers on Amazon?

To date in 2020, search data and sales estimates on Amazon tied to the 2020 US Presidential election campaigns reveal that:

  • Bernie Sanders receives a 67% share of all searches for DNC (Democratic National Committee) candidates.
  • The top 15 Bernie Sanders products on Amazon sell an average of 967 units per month.
  • Donald Trump merchandise outsells all DNC candidates combined.
  • The three best-selling MAGA hats sell a total of 12,759 units per month.

In November 2020, the United States will hold its presidential election. In the months leading up to the election, the DNC will nominate its candidate to run against the incumbent President of the United States (POTUS), Republican Donald Trump.

And even though the main event is still months away, we’ve noticed an uptick in campaign merchandise sales on Amazon for DNC candidates. This includes shirts, buttons, books, and even Chia Pets representing not only the DNC hopefuls, but the current president as well.

Note: We examined the impact of the DNC candidates on merchandise sales using Jungle Scout’s product and market research data, revealing trending product sales, keyword search volume, and more.

The share of merchandise sales for the remaining DNC candidates is dissimilar to their chance of winning

Though his lead in the polls has disappeared, Bernie Sanders leads the pack of DNC merchandise sales with his top 15 products on Amazon selling an average of 967 units per month. 

In second place is Joe Biden with 395 sales per month, and Elizabeth Warren is in third with 170 sales per month.

In terms of total merchandise sales, Bernie Sanders’ products (including numerous action figures) account for 42% of all DNC campaign merchandise sold on Amazon. 

The remaining candidates’ shares are as follows:

  • Joe Biden – 17%
  • Elizabeth Warren – 8%

But the shares of the candidates’ campaign merchandise sales are not in line with their current chances of winning. 

According to political statistics site 538, as of March 4, 2020, the candidates chances of winning are as follows:

  • Joe Biden – 31%
  • Bernie Sanders – 8% 
  • Elizabeth Warren – Less than 1%

Note: 538 currently gives the best odds (3 in 5) to the potential outcome of no one winning a delegate majority.

Searches for Bernie Sanders’ merchandise have tripled in the last 90 days

Monthly searches for the DNC candidates on Amazon are as follows:

  • Bernie Sanders – 26,515
  • Elizabeth Warren – 5,661
  • Joe Biden – 4,055

Vermont senator Bernie Sanders’ merchandise on Amazon has experienced a 248% increase in monthly searches over the last 90-days. 

However, former candidate and Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar’s merchandise actually saw a higher increase in search volume than Senator Sanders’, increasing by 256% in the last 90-days.

Comparatively, searches for current POTUS’ Donald Trump’s merchandise is greater than all DNC candidates combined. His monthly searches hit 426,896.

Average sales of Donald Trump merchandise are higher than all DNC candidates combined

However, despite the current decrease in his search results, standing POTUS Donald Trump’s merchandise continues to sell exceptionally well on Amazon.

Currently, the top 15 products related to Donald Trump are selling an average of 2,648 units per month. This earns Donald Trump merchandise a 54% share of all 2020 political figure merchandise sales on Amazon compared to the DNC’s 46%.

MAGA hats sell an average of 12,759 units per month on Amazon

More surprising is the sheer volume of the infamous “Make America Great Again” hats that continue to sell well on Amazon.

On the first page of search results for Donald Trump merchandise, there are three brands selling his hat:

Donald Trump has the most diverse selection of products

Appearing in eight different categories on Amazon, Donald Trump’s top products include:

  • Patio, Lawn, & Garden – flags, yard ornaments
  • Clothing, Shoes, & Jewelry – hats, t-shirts
  • Home & Kitchen – Chia pets
  • Kitchen & Dining – stainless steel coffee mugs
  • Toys & Games – fake money, talking pens
  • Sports & Outdoors – bobbleheads
  • Albums – record albums named after the president
  • Books

Among the DNC candidates, Bernie Sanders’ selection of products is the most varied. His merchandise appears in six different categories. 

The other candidates’ diversity breaks down as follows:

  • Joe Biden’s top products appear in four different categories on Amazon.
  • Elizabeth Warren’s top products appear in three different categories on Amazon.

“Head-to-head,” Donald Trump currently outsells Bernie Sanders

Both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have Chia Pets variants listed on Amazon.(Chia Pets are molded terracotta pots; in this case, in the likeness of the candidate. When water is added, the Chia Pets sprout green “hair” at the top.)

Jungle Scout data shows that Bernie Sanders’ Chia pet only sold 165 units between August 25th, 2019, and February 24th, 2020. 

Donald Trump’s Chia pet, on the other hand, sold 4,276 Chia pets in the same amount of time.


For more information about this article and Jungle Scout’s data, please contact [email protected].


Disclaimer: This post was updated at 2:56pm CST on March 4, 2020 to reflect the most recent data available.


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