We Took A Look at The 5 Hottest CES 2019 Product Trends. Here’s What We Learned…

The 2019 Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2019) is finally here!

Held in Las Vegas, Nevada, in the United States, the Consumer Electronics Show is a platform for innovative tech and electronics companies to put their latest products, coolest prototypes, and hottest product trends on display.

And in case you didn’t know this already, Amazon sellers should pay close attention to the CES. Here’s why:

  • the companies that participate in the CES spend millions on the research and development of their products.
  • they have their finger on the pulse of the market, and know what is going to be popular with consumers.
  • they’re giving away the above-information for free.

Long-story-short, if you’re a savvy Amazon seller, you can take this information and run with it, selling trendy items before they’re even trendy.

How does this article help you?

To make your life easier, we looked at the hottest product trends at CES 2019 closely. And, armed with that information, we identified similar products already selling on Amazon.

Then we used Jungle Scout’s data analytics software. It quantified the success of those sellers already the similar products we identified earlier. We also investigated how well new products (those with less than 100 reviews) were performing on Amazon.

CES 2019 Trend #1 – Wireless Charging Devices

This past Christmas, I received a wireless charger for my cell phone. Despite being in tech, and focusing my attention on Amazon nearly every day in 2018, I somehow missed that this was a thing. And now that I have one, I don’t know how I ever lived without it.

But wireless chargers aren’t only for cell phones.

Everything from headphones to remote controls to computer mice might start using wireless chargers instead of tradition batteries. After all, it’s cheaper and more convenient. It won’t be long before most (if not all) all battery-operated products will switch to the wireless model. Those that don’t are likely to get left behind.

Here’s how wireless products are currently performing on Amazon.

Please note that some of the above-products are fairly competitive. But those are the just the cell phone charging styles. Newer products have yet to make their true debut on Amazon (headphones, remote controls, toys, etc), which means there is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor.

Once the hit Amazon, they’re sure to blow up. The best time to get ahead of the trend is now.

CES 2019 Trend #2 – Simple and Useful Products

PopSockets is one of those surprisingly simple products that people really fall in love with. If you haven’t seen one yet, it’s an attachment for your mobile phone that works as a stand and grip. When not in use, it folds down and lays flat against your phone case.

Even big companies are getting in on the trend. Otterbox, specifically, is designing a PopSockets-compatible cell phone case. They likely saw PopSockets’ numbers and reasoned it was worth spending money to create a new case, if it meant users wouldn’t have to choose between an Otterbox and a PopSocket.

It’s such a useful and affordable idea, it’s no wonder they’re so popular.

Here’s how PopSockets are currently performing on Amazon.

  • PopSockets (all sellers) – 2,150 units/month
  • Less than 100 reviews – 414 units/month
  • Zero reviews – 190 units/month

And while it is competitive, because the product is customizable it is easy to list and sell. That’s why we looked at the products with few or zero reviews.

Also, these things are remarkably cheap to source on Alibaba. They can cost as little as $0.30 per unit.

CES 2019 Trend #3 – Health and Fitness Wearables

I have a FitBit. My wife has a FitBit. My son has a FitBit. And if they start making FitBits for dogs, my dog is likely to get a FitBit. In other words, health and fitness wearables are enormously popular. They blow up the Consumer Electronics Show every year.

Reviewing Amazon’s data, there’s no sign of this trend stopping either.

Here’s how fitness trackers are currently performing on Amazon.

  • Fitness Tracker – 6,015 units/month
  • Fitness Tracker (Less than 100 Reviews) – 1,556 units/month
  • Smart Technology – 1,276 units/month
  • Smart Technology (Less than 100 Reviews) – 451 units/month

CES 2019 Trend #4 – Bluetooth Trackers

Bluetooth tracking technology has been lagging somewhat over the last few years. However, CES 2019 hopes to introduce a few new products that have significantly increased capabilities.

Chipolo GO, for example, is a Bluetooth tracker that combines Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi, and LTE. It’s set to become the first tracker with unlimited range. Plus, it has a battery that can last up to six months!

And now that the tech is available, more and more companies are going to get behind this trend. Bluetooth tracking technology has the potential to expand into tons of different sectors, too. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it incorporated into travel gear, children’s clothing/backpacks, cell phone cases, wallets, keys and more.

Here’s how Bluetooth trackers are currently performing on Amazon.

  • Bluetooth Tracker – 804 units/month
  • Bluetooth Tracker (Less than 100 Reviews) – 136 units/month

CES 2019 Trend #5 – Mommy Tech

Digital Trends points out that more companies are waking up to the idea of creating wearable technology targeting women. In fact, there’s already a “Mommy Tech” space that assists new, expectant mothers.

“In 2017, The Willow Breast Pump took a device that hadn’t changed in decades and reimagined it as a smart wearable with an app – so smart in fact that Digital Trends gave it a Top Tech of CES award,” writes Digital Trends.

Of course, mommy tech isn’t just about breast bumps. Smart baby monitors, smart thermometers, and smart swings are just a few of the other high-tech items available.

Here’s how Mommy Tech products are currently performing on Amazon.

  • Hands-Free Breast Pump – 1,173 units/month
  • Hands-Free Breast Pump (less than 100 reviews) – 164 units/month
  • Smart Baby Monitor – 573 units/month
  • Smart Baby Monitor (less than 100 reviews) – 315 units/month

Start researching product trends. Now.

This data isn’t top secret. You can find awesome product opportunities too. Finding hot digital and electronics trends is easy when you use Jungle Scout’s data analytics software. With both a Chrome Extension and a Web Application, Jungle Scout’s data analytics engine quickly provides the most accurate sales estimates in the world.

Learn more about Jungle Scout.



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