Email copywriting to produce reviews

Email Copywriting Tips for Attracting Customer Reviews

Sometimes it can feel frustratingly difficult to stand out on Amazon. For starters, there are so many other brands competing for shoppers’ attention. Then there’s Amazon, who’s very protective of their customers and how you interact with them.

As you increase your sales, it’s vital for you to start forging positive relationships with your customers to continue growing your business. Amazon email copywriting is one of the most effective ways to do this. Taking the time to improve your customer’s experience can make all the difference.

The secret to e-commerce email copywriting is adding value, providing support and building stronger customer relationships. For FBA sellers, well-executed automated emails are proven to attract positive reviews and repeat customers.

Don’t have experience with email marketing or copywriting? Not a problem!

Today we’ll share with you some of our favorite email marketing copywriting tricks, and how you can get started by using Jungle Scout to send those emails!

What E-Commerce Email Copywriting Can Do For Sellers

As FBA sellers, these are the biggest benefits of employing email copywriting:

1. Get more positive reviews – Improving the customer’s overall experience and flat-out reminding them to leave reviews will encourage them to take action.

2. Prevent negative reviews – Many customers leave negative reviews as a way to vent their frustrations. Getting in there early by showing customers you care and are there to help can mitigate the consequences of that review. You could also use the power of good emails to save yourself from a painful one-star review, or even turn it into a positive review!

3. Attract repeat customers – When customers have a great buying experience, they are far more likely to return for more. It’s not that difficult to stand out to a customer’s in a market full of “average sellers”.

Now that you understand what good email copywriting can do, let’s run through some quick do’s and don’ts!

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Amazon Email Marketing Copywriting Do’s & Don’ts

Here are some fundamentals for staying within Amazon’s TOS and making your emails far more effective:


  • Have a single goal for each email – Bombard people with too much information in one email and you’ll further reduce your chances of getting your customer to take action. Your goal could be asking for a review, sending them free content, or reinforcing their purchasing decision by getting them excited about your product.
  • Provide exceptional customer service – Make sure you let your customer know you’re available and ready to help, or to advise them if they should need it. Showing you care and being easily reachable goes a long way.
  • Give extra value – Give your customers a reason to leave a positive review by providing more value than other sellers. This could include product tips, tutorials, infographics, ebooks, etc.


  • Spam customers – Customers tend to become irritated when a seller sends more than three emails. Send more than three and you risk reversing the positive effects of the other emails you sent.
  • Include links to external websites/stores – It’s directly against Amazon’s TOS to send customers away from their platform. Instead, get them to perform desirable actions on Amazon, like leaving a review.
  • Go image heavy – A small logo at the top and one image in the body of the emails are all you could need. Including more images may trigger spam filters and decrease deliverability.

Timing Is Everything – Create Smart Email Campaigns

Sending the right emails at the right time is everything. Automated emails can either come off as robotic and spammy, or human-like and friendly, depending on how they have been set up.

Getting this right will lead to stronger relationships and higher chances of scoring those reviews. That’s why we built an intuitive, robust, and fully customizable email platform, specifically for Amazon sellers.

To ensure the emails are sent at the right time, Jungle Scout uses different triggers to set up campaigns: When a product is Purchased, Shipped or Refunded. Then you can add further delays before sending out emails.

Be Professional & Personalized – Use Customized Emails

Looking professional and expressing your unique brand personality will instill customers with trust. But no one likes to feel like they are just being blasted with generic emails.

Since we are using an automated email system, it’s essential we make every email as personalized to the customer as possible.

Sound tricky? It’s not with Jungle Scout! Using our simple WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) format, you can tailor emails to suit your brand and connect with customers in no time. You can quickly craft your look and style using HTML, fonts, images, logos and personalized autofill tags!

Here’s how sellers are using Jungle Scout to send effective email marketing campaigns:

Look Professional

Your emails are going to give an insight into your brand. Show them you are professional, reliable and organized:

  • Choose a professional font
  • Format your emails neatly
  • Include a logo image at the top
  • Embed important links in text, such as a call to actions

Appear Personalized

email copywriting; customizable template

Using smart tags to automatically insert customer-specific information is a simple way to personalize every email:

  • Customer name
  • Product name
  • Order information
  • Link to a product review
  • Delivery information

Grab Their Attention – Try These Quick Email Copywriting Tips

When it gets down to the nuts and bolts of writing emails, here are a number of copywriting tips to help generate those reviews:

1. Be real

People have become desensitized. That’s why it’s so crucial to show readers you are a “real person” in order to connect with them.

Prove there’s a real person behind these emails who is ready and waiting to reply. You can directly invite them to reply to your email if they have any questions and sign off personally.

2. Match your style to your customers’

Knowing your market and customers well is vital to success as an FBA seller. Carry this principle through to your email marketing too. You must adapt your writing style to suit your audience, using terms they are familiar with to build trust and show a personality they can relate to.

If you can match your writing style it will resonate with customers and greatly improve results. If you haven’t already, you’ll need to invest in researching your market and who your real customers actually are to achieve this.

3. Catch their attention with the subject line

Subject lines are critical for getting customers to even open your emails. If you use the same old, generic subject lines others are using, you’re probably going to get lost their inbox.

Try to say something unique to catch their attention. Strike a balance between “clickbait” and “accurate description”. Using emojis in subject titles has been seen to work well too, but don’t overdo it!

4. Don’t forget your call to action

Since you want readers to perform a specific action after reading your email, make sure your call to action is very clear.

Also, placing it further towards the end of the email increases the chances of them following through. You could try reminding readers using a quick P.S. at the bottom of your emails too.

Go the Extra Mile – Two Amazon Email Marketing Tricks

Here are a couple of ways Jungle Scout users are taking their email marketing to the next level:

Adding email attachments

Sending additional documents after purchasing is a great strategy to improve the customer experience and increase conversion rates. Depending on your brand and messaging, you could try enhancing post-purchase satisfaction using the following:

  • eBooks
  • User guides
  • Warranties
  • Tips
  • Complementary material

Embedding an image product review

One of the most important actions we can drive from emails is getting recipients to click a link to leave a product review. While embedding a normal link that leads directly to leaving a product review can work we’ve found a way to take it further.

Our “Product Review Link & Image” auto fill tag generates a product image and five-star rating to improve click-through-rates (CTR). In fact, we’ve seen it increase from an average CTR 2.2% to 3.7% (that’s a 59% increase!).

When using Jungle Scout’s email editor, all you have to do is insert the {{ Product Review Link Stars }} tag to start boosting your purchase-to-review ratios.

Now Over To You – Get Emailing!

So there you have it, everything you need to craft awesome Amazon email marketing campaigns. Although it may take a little time and creative juice to set up, these automated emails will then be sent out to every new customer. So, make sure you get it right!

If your strategy is a case of set and forget, you may find it helpful to go back and change objectives or test new ideas periodically. After all, you want your customers to get excited about your product and leave more reviews, right?

Lastly, don’t forget to reply to customer emails personally!

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