Jungle Scout Review Automation vs. Helium 10 Seller Assistant

Getting customer reviews is one of the biggest challenges Amazon sellers will face during their ecommerce journey. Requesting reviews can become very time-consuming when done manually, especially if you have many orders. Not only that, but you must also be sure you’re following Amazon’s ToS when soliciting reviews. 

That’s where review request software comes in. The idea is to turn the tool on, and it will send review requests to all of your customers each time they purchase one of your products, increasing your chances of growing your product review count, rating, and overall sales velocity. 

Two tools that can help you do this are Jungle Scout’s Review Automation and Helium 10’s Seller Assistant — but which tool is best for earning more Amazon product reviews?

The beauty of Jungle Scout Review Automation is that you only need to turn the tool on once, set your specific rules, and it will automatically request reviews for every order you receive. The time it takes to turn Review Automation on? Less than one minute. 

Helium 10’s Seller Assistant, however, is not automated so you’ll have to keep going into a separate extension to request reviews.

This article will compare each tool’s features and benefits and show you why Review Automation is the more intelligent choice.


What is Jungle Scout’s Review Automation?

Review Automation is an Amazon Terms of Service-approved solution that takes the review request option available within Seller Central and completely automates it so you, the seller, never have to request a review manually again.

Before Review Automation, sellers needed to go into each order in Seller Central and click on “Request a Review.” This feature is hidden in the orders section of Seller Central, making it hard to navigate. Making multiple requests, as you can imagine, is also click-intensive, tedious, and time-consuming.  

When you use Review Automation, your Amazon customers will have no idea that the review request came from you, as Amazon generates the email. This email is not customizable. 

Once you click on that button, Amazon sends a pre-written email requesting a review. Here’s an example of what that looks like:

It is truly a set-it-and-forget-it solution, saving time for Amazon sellers of all levels. 

How does Review Automation work?

Activating the tool is very simple. Simply turn Review Automation on once your Jungle Scout account syncs with your Amazon seller account. That’s it! 

Since Review Automation syncs with Amazon Seller Central, you do not need to sign in to your seller account to request reviews. With Seller Assistant, you need to download a separate Chrome extension and sign in to Seller Central to request reviews in bulk. 

Once Review Automation is on, it’s on. There’s no need to keep going back to request reviews — it’s working for you at all times. 

We recently added new features that allow sellers to skip review requests for particular orders or products and even delay review requests for sellers who offer products such as vitamins and supplements.

For example, if you send a review request just five days after your customer received their vitamins order, they would not have had enough time to use the product to give an honest review. 

If the request is sent 20-30 days after the product was delivered, the likelihood of a positive review is greater as the customer had time to evaluate the benefits of the vitamins. 


Why use Review Automation?

There are two significant benefits to using Review Automation: earning more reviews and saving time.

I recently timed myself requesting a review manually in Seller Central, and it took me roughly 15 seconds. 

While that doesn’t sound like a lot of time, imagine if you had tens, hundreds, or even thousands of orders each week? That’s a lot of time to click into an order, click Request a Review, then click out of that order and into the next. I think you get the picture.

The Review Automation dashboard will show you how much time you have saved using the tool.

If you’re using Helium 10’s Seller Assistant, you will still need to sign in to Seller Central and navigate to your orders to request only up to 100 reviews at a time. Also within Seller Central, there is no indication of which review requests have been sent out. If you’re using Helium 10, you won’t know where you left off with requests. This is not an issue with Jungle Scout’s Review Automation.


Jungle Scout Review Automation vs. Helium 10 Seller Assistant 

Let’s go over the features of Review Automation and Seller Assistant. 

Jungle Scout Review Automation

  • Turn the feature on once, so you never miss the opportunity to earn a product review
  • Skip review requests for particular products or orders (with Suite and Pro plans only)
  • Set custom time frames for when Review Automation sends requests — fully customizable at an order, product, or marketing level (with Pro plan only)
  • View a detailed dashboard to see the status of each review request 
  • Use updated widgets to show essential stats related to reviews, such as time saved and requests sent
  • Sellers do not need to sign in to Seller Central to request reviews 
  • Save time and focus your energy on other aspects of the business
  • Most sellers earn 20% more daily reviews using Review Automation


Helium 10 Seller Assistant 

  • Seller Assistant is not a review automation tool; it is a bulk review request tool
  • You can only bulk request up to 100 reviews at a time, meaning you have to constantly go back into Seller Central to ensure you request reviews for every order
  • Requires sellers to download a separate extension to use the feature
  • It is better than manually requesting reviews one by one, but it is still not fully automated

Winner: Jungle Scout Review Automation 

For a full comparison between Jungle Scout and Helium 10, check out this article: Jungle Scout vs. Helium 10: Which Will Help You Sell More on Amazon in 2022?


Why choose Jungle Scout’s Review Automation over Helium 10’s Seller Assistant 

Using a real Review Automation tool over a bulk review request tool will earn you more reviews and guarantee you never miss the opportunity to send a review request to your customers.

Once the tool is activated, it will always be on, and you do not even have to think about sending review requests.

If you choose Seller Assistant, you will constantly need to go back to Seller Central, click the extension, and click “request reviews.” 

Having to request reviews in bulk manually can cause you to forget the task at times, costing you valuable reviews.

Selling is hard enough. Ultimately, Review Automation gives you one less thing to worry about and has an actual impact on your business. 


Are you ready to earn more reviews?

We hope this article gives you a clearer understanding of these two review tools. Using Review Automation is a completely hands-free way to earn more reviews for your Amazon products.

Ready to get started? Earn more reviews today by clicking on the button below! 


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