
Jungle Scout vs Extension – What’s the Difference?

Jungle Scout vs Extension – What’s the Difference?

According to Jungle Scout’s 2024 State of the Amazon Seller Report, the majority of sellers say that having the right tools and information are contributors to success on Amazon.  

Jungle Scout was founded with one simple mission: Help people find products to sell on Amazon. Jungle Scout first began as a Chrome extension for product research and then expanded into a separate web app with seller features for research, business management, and more.

Today, every Jungle Scout subscription includes access to the Extension (available for Chrome and Firefox) and many other seller features.

Even though a Jungle Scout plan includes both of these capabilities, our team receives many questions about how our seller features are different from the Extension.  

Here, we’ll explain how each works and how you can leverage them for your business.

What are Jungle Scout’s seller features and Chrome extension?

Jungle Scout’s features are designed to help sellers along every leg of the Amazon selling journey. They provide you the information you need to make data-driven decisions.

Jungle Scout Seller featuresExtension
Jungle Scout’s seller features help you conduct product research, find suppliers, and then write, optimize, and manage your listings. When your products are live, Jungle Scout gives you the optimal reorder date for your product, alert you with changes in rankings, help you accrue reviews, and much more.Jungle Scout’s Chrome extension is just that — a Chrome and Firefox extension that allows you to conduct product research as you browse Amazon. By using Extension, you can get sales estimates in real time, view historical data, and determine the demand and competition for any given product on Amazon.

The main differences between seller features and Extension are:

  • Where and how you use them
  • The data points you get from product searches

Let’s explore each offering in more depth.

Jungle Scout seller features

Jungle Scout has three subscription plans: Basic, Suite, and Professional. You can access all of Jungle Scout’s seller features with a Suite or Professional plan.

And you can access Academy, Product Tracker, Sales Analytics, and a limited amount of other features with a Basic plan. 

Each Jungle Scout plan includes the Extension.

We frequently add and update our seller features to improve how Amazon sellers run and grow their businesses. 


Jungle Scout’s members-only training center, Academy makes it easy for you to jump in and watch a few quick lessons about selling on Amazon. Then, when you find the time to watch more, and you can pick up right where you left off.

The Academy’s content includes:

  • Tutorials on how to navigate and use all of Jungle Scout’s features.
  • Step-by-step training on how to sell on Amazon (ideal for beginners!). 
  • Advanced videos on special topics with guidance from our in-house experts.

Product research

Because there are so many different ways to conduct product research, it’s easy to miss out on product opportunities. But, with a Jungle Scout subscription, you’ll leave no stone unturned. 

These are Jungle Scout’s product research features:

  • Product Database. Product research can be overwhelming. But, with Jungle Scout’s Product Database — a comprehensive catalog with over 500 million products from Amazon— exploring product ideas is less stressful. You can generate ideas quickly by using  Jungle Scout’s pre-set filters or filters you’ve chosen yourself.
  • Product Tracker. To figure out whether or not a product is performing as well as its sales estimates imply, it’s important to track the product’s metrics over time. Product Tracker monitors the daily inventory, sales, price, and Best Seller Rank (BSR) so you can make a data-based decision about which product you’re going to sell. 
  • Opportunity Finder. Uncover product ideas related to your current brand and/or product(s) based on low-competition, high-demand keywords. Opportunity Finder displays historical graphs and gives a score based on a niche’s profitability potential.
  • Category Trends. Track the top 100 products of any category or subcategory on Amazon. With Category Trends, sellers can gain valuable insights into the historical trends of popular products in each category.

Finding suppliers

Amazon sellers can easily find suppliers that make products similar to your own by using the Supplier Database. By indexing all global suppliers and manufacturers that sell to the U.S. and making this list searchable, picking the right supplier isn’t as daunting. You can even find the names of the suppliers your competitors use.

Once you’ve found suppliers through Supplier Database, you can organize and track them with Supplier Tracker. Save, compare, and manage quotes and samples using this tool, too.

Keyword research and listing optimization

Optimizing your listing with high-converting keywords is critical if you want to attract shoppers. With Jungle Scout, you’ll have all the resources you’ll need to build a listing that sells. 

Build a better listing with these Jungle Scout features:

  • Keyword Scout. This feature makes discovering exact and broad match search volumes for high-converting keywords simple. Reverse-search competitor ASINs to compare their keywords or leverage advanced filters to find the top keywords for a group of ASINs.
  • Listing Builder with AI Assist. Crafting an optimized listing is straightforward with Listing Builder. Not only does it integrate with Amazon Seller Central, but with AI Assist, you can have the tool write you a fully optimized Amazon listing from your keyword lists. 
  • Rank Tracker. With Rank Tracker, you can monitor keyword rankings for your products (or your competitors). View the keyword rank history for multiple keywords at the same time, all on one graph.


Staying on top of your Amazon business with Alerts. Whether you’re tracking your products, or your competitors’, Alerts can notify you about:

  • Changes to a product’s BSR.
  • Price changes.
  • Review updates (i.e. when a review is added or removed).
  • Listing changes.
  • Changes to Buy Box ownership.
  • New sellers hopping on a listing.
  • Changes to a product’s availability.
  • Changes to star ratings.
Learn more about how you can use Jungle Scout to start, run, and grow your Amazon business.

Inventory Manager

Inventory Manager helps you calculate your inventory needs by suggesting optimal stocking levels, reorder dates, and reorder quantities with demand forecasting tools.

By syncing your Amazon Seller Central account with Jungle Scout, Inventory Manager will allow you to:

  • Predict FBA sales by accessing additional metrics like revenue, cost, and profit.
  • Monitor your inbound inventory by tracking your shipments to one of Amazon’s fulfillment centers.
  • Help you avoid Amazon storage fees and stockouts so you don’t reorder units too soon or order more than you need.

Sales Analytics with AI

Sales Analytics is your financial command center, allowing you to monitor and organize your Amazon sales revenue, costs, and profits. You can also view, track, and analyze key metrics in real time. 

Sales Analytics is now powered with AI Assist, which analyzes your Profit Overview data and delivers a comprehensive report compiled with insights and tips for improving your sales and optimizing for growth.

Sales Analytics enables you to:

  • Know your real-time sales. 
  • Know the exact profit margin for each of your products.
  • View product-specific sales data. 
  • Know your ROI (return on investment). 
  • Break down your direct and indirect expenses.
  • Break down your PPC spend
  • Compare sales and profits over time to see how different variables (such as refunds) impact your bottom line.
  • Track your shipments so you know when your inventory will arrive.

Review Automation

Getting positive reviews is crucial to a listing’s success. Jungle Scout’s Review Automation feature completely automates the Seller Central review request process for users, meaning it is 100% Amazon-ToS compliant. 

Sellers can now “set and forget” the process, save time, and earn more reviews — faster than ever — for their product.

READ MORE | How to Get Reviews on Amazon — 7 Methods

Other features:

  • AI Review Analysis. Our new AI Review Analysis tool provides users with a comprehensive analysis of product reviews and ratings for any ASIN, such as the most common positive and negative comments, along with insights on how to improve the product. 
  • AI Assist Chat. Introduced in 2023, AI Assist Chat provides Jungle Scout users with immediate answers to your questions about selling on Amazon and growing your business. AI Assist Chat sources from Jungle Scout’s library of expert resources to help you keep your business moving.
  • FBA Reimbursements. Many FBA sellers have had their inventory either lost or damaged by an Amazon fulfillment center, meaning Amazon may owe you money! With our FBA reimbursement feature, sellers can automate the process and reclaim refunds with ease.
  • Advertising Analytics. Advertising Analytics is a comprehensive tool that aggregates Seller Central and Campaign Manager data to help sellers evaluate their PPC campaign success. Analyze advertising profitability with metrics and data visualizations at a company, ASIN, and campaign level.
Level up your Amazon business with Jungle Scout.

Jungle Scout Extension 

Now let’s take a closer look at what you can do with Extension.

Bulk request reviews

Along with Review Automation, sellers can also request reviews in one click using Extension for multiple orders when on your orders page in Seller Central — saving time for their business.

Opportunity Score

Extension’s Opportunity Score is an in-house algorithm that factors in the demand for a product according to units sold, competition, or how many sellers there are, as well as the quality of similar listings. 

In other words, it helps you quickly gauge the opportunity of a group of listings. 

The score ranges from 1 to 10, with 10 representing the best product opportunities and 1 representing products that would be extremely difficult to pursue.

Integration with Product Tracker and Supplier Database

With Extension, you can able to add items to your Product Tracker with a click (which turns the button from a plus sign to a checkmark to indicate the product has been added successfully).

You also can find the supplier of a specific product with a single click. When you click on the price tag icon in Extension, you’ll navigate to Jungle Scout’s Supplier Database, where you’ll be able to view the manufacturer’s past imports, the type of products it produces, and more.

Filter search results

Running a keyword search on Amazon is a great way to come up with product ideas. But, the downside is the sheer volume of results most keyword searches return. Sifting through those results to find profitable products can be time-consuming.

Thankfully, you can shorten the process by filtering the results with Extension. Some of the filters you can use are revenue, number of reviews, and date first available.

Add/remove columns

Not everyone wants to know a product’s weight and/or dimensions. That’s why Extension allows users to choose which columns are displayed in its window.

And you’re not tied to just one grouping of columns. You can add and/or remove columns whenever you want, based on your data needs.

Google Trend report

If you’re not sure about the popularity of the keywords you’re searching on Amazon, Extension allows you to link to Google Trends to see how the terms are performing.  

You can find out if: 

  • Public interest in the keyword phrase is remaining steady, increasing, or decreasing.
  • The keywords are popular across multiple countries/marketplaces.
  • There are related queries that you can search on Amazon as well.

Current and historical sales data

Not only will Extension deliver the most accurate daily and monthly sales estimates for the products you’re researching, but it can also display a product’s historical data.

The historical graphs in Extension are:

  • BSR
  • Price
  • Daily sales
  • Monthly sales

Product page and search page overlays

What’s even more convenient is Extension’s overlay capabilities for product pages and search pages. 

Extension’s product page overlay allows you to view current and historical data directly embedded on the page you’re viewing, giving you a quick snapshot of important metrics. You can view this information as a graph or a banner.

Similarly, search page overlays provide ASIN-level metrics on the search page you’re viewing. 

Where and how to use Jungle Scout and Extension 

Jungle Scout is a web-based software that is accessed directly from your internet browser.

There is nothing to download or install. To use Jungle Scout’s seller features, all you need is a subscription.

Once you’ve purchased a subscription and created your login, you’ll be able to use the features simply by logging into your account.

The Extension, on the other hand, must be downloaded and installed onto a computer before it can be used. It’s also necessary to log in to Extension before it will work.

And, unlike Jungle Scout’s seller features, Extension can only be used with Google Chrome and Firefox

Lastly, Extension will only display data if it is run on a product display page, search results page, a best sellers page, or a storefront page. If it isn’t run on one of these pages, it will display the following:

Connecting your Seller Central account

For Extension, syncing your Seller Central account is not needed. As long as you’re using Chrome or Firefox as your browser, and it is run on one of the pages mentioned above, the tool will work.

To gain full functionality of Jungle Scout’s seller features, however, you must connect your Seller Central account. 

While a Jungle Scout plan will give you access to many of its features (such as Product Database, Supplier Tracker, and Keyword Scout) without connecting your account, you won’t be able to use features like Inventory Manager and Sales Analytics without connecting your account.

The extra capabilities you’ll gain by syncing your Seller Central account with Jungle Scout will make managing your Amazon business easier and will help increase conversions.

Data for Jungle Scout and Extension 

Though estimated sales in both Extension and Jungle Scout’s Product Database are determined using the same algorithm — AccuSales ™ — the data displayed for the same product may differ from Jungle Scout’s seller features to Extension. That’s because of the frequency with which each tool updates data. 

Because it is run on Amazon, Extension data populates in real time. What you see in Extension is the most current information available.

In contrast, Product Database’s data updates automatically two to three times a week. But, you can always force an update of that information by clicking on the double-arrow refresh icon:

Extension vs. Jungle Scout: TL;DR

Bottom line: both Extension and Jungle Scout’s features can help you build a successful business on Amazon — and you’ll get both with a Jungle Scout subscription. However, they serve different purposes. Here’s a recap of those differences:

ExtensionJungle Scout
Extension helps sellers speed up the product research phase.Jungle Scout features help sellers throughout the entire selling process — from product research to launching to tracking costs and profits.
Extension runs on Amazon’s website.Jungle Scout features run on the Jungle Scout website.
You don’t need to connect your Seller Central account for Extension to be fully access all of Jungle Scout’s features, you do need to connect to Seller Central.
Extension’s data populates in real time.Jungle Scout’s data may need to be refreshed to view up-to-date information.

So, now that you know the differences between Jungle Scout’s seller features and Extension, it’s time to start your Amazon business on the right foot.

Learn more about how you can use Jungle Scout's Extension and seller features to start, run, and grow your Amazon business.

Brian Connolly is an Amazon seller, ecommerce expert, and writer for Jungle Scout. He lives in the New Jersey Shore area with his wife and cat. When he isn’t writing advice online for aspiring and experienced Amazon sellers for Jungle Scout, he spends his free time boating, fishing, and selling boating-themed items on his Amazon business.

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