
Amazon AR (Augmented Reality): How to Add 3D Content to Your Amazon FBA Listings

Amazon AR (Augmented Reality): How to Add 3D Content to Your Amazon FBA Listings
Table of Contents

What is 3D content? 

What is augmented reality?

How to create and add 3D content to your Amazon listing

Amazon sellers should do everything they can to increase conversions on their listings through compelling and informative copy, A+ Content, and high-quality images. 

But with some products, such as shoes, sunglasses, or even furniture, that may not be enough. Now, sellers can add 3D content to their listings so customers can view and ‘virtually try on’ products in Amazon AR (augmented reality).

Continue reading to learn more about how you can create 3D content for your Amazon listings. 

What is 3D content? 

Unlike traditional 2D content, or product images, which exist on a flat plane with height and width, 3D content adds depth, allowing customers to view products from multiple angles and giving them a more realistic appearance.

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information, such as images, videos, or 3D models, onto the real world. Unlike virtual reality, which immerses the user in a completely digital environment, AR enhances the real world with virtual elements. This is typically achieved through devices like smartphones, tablets, or dedicated AR glasses.

Using AR, customers can take the 3D content you upload to Amazon and see how a piece of furniture looks in their home or virtually try on a pair of sunglasses or shoes using the Amazon app. 

Why add 3D content to your Amazon listings? 

With 3D content, Amazon customers will get a more immersive experience when it comes to viewing and learning more about your products. 

Using 3D content, individuals can virtually try on shoes or glasses, envision how an object will appear in their space, or digitally spin and magnify a product from any angle to observe details that may be missed through traditional product images. 

Benefits of 3D content on Amazon:

  • Enhance the overall shopping experience by allowing customers to interact with products in a more immersive way
  • Increased engagement and potentially higher conversion rates
  • Incorporating 3D content can help your listings stand out among competitor
  • Potentially increase sales and brand presence

Here are some stats directly from Amazon are why you should use 3D content:

  • From 2018 to 2022, Amazon saw an 8X increase in customers who viewed a product in AR.
  • In 2022, Amazon observed a 2X improvement in purchase conversion on average when customers click on AR Virtual Try-On or View in 3D buttons for enabled product listings.
  • 94% of customers surveyed by Amazon said they would use Virtual Try-On again (2022 survey of over 2,000 Amazon customers).
  • 9% improvement in sales observed on average when View in Your Room is enabled on an Amazon product listing.

Since customers cannot physically view or touch your product, adding 3D content and AR allows them to see as much of your product as possible so they can make an informed decision. 

How to create and add 3D content to your Amazon listing

It is important to note that only sellers with a brand enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry are able to add 3D content to their listings at this time. 

1. Scan your product

The first way of creating 3D content for your listing is by using Amazon’s mobile 3D scanning within the Amazon Seller app (on iOS devices only).

If you have a brand-registered brand in your account, you will see “Create 3D Models” in the main menu of the Amazon Seller app. 

Next, click on “Get Started.”


Then, choose the product you want to scan. Amazon will also let you know if your product is not eligible for the 3D experience. 

The scan will take approximately 5-10 minutes, and after the scan, Amazon will create the 3D model for you. It may take up to 24-72 hours to be approved by Amazon. 

When you submit your 3D models to your Amazon listings, they may be displayed with the following customer experiences, depending on your product. 

2. Hire a 3D content creator

The second way of creating and uploading 3D content is by either creating the 3D model yourself or by hiring a 3D content creator and uploading directly to your Seller Central account. 

When hiring a 3D content creator, make sure they’re familiar with Amazon’s 3D model technical requirements

Amazon also has a few pre-vetted creators to hire to create your 3D content if your product is not eligible for mobile scanning. 

  1. Hexa
  2. Loft3Di 
  3. SuperDNA 3D Lab

How to upload 3D content in Seller Central

Once you’ve had a 3D model created, now you can upload the content to Seller Central. 

In Seller Central, go to the Menu > Catalog > Upload Images. 

Then click on “Image manager.”

Find your product and click on the 3D Model’s tab on the right. Then click on Upload 3D Model. Again, make sure you are following Amazon’s 3D model guidelines

After submitting your content, Amazon will need to approve your model before displaying it on your product listing. 

Amazon AR: Add 3D content to your Amazon listings

Help your potential customers make a more informed decision about your products by adding 3D content to your listings! By doing so, customers will able to view a 3D image of your product, virtually try on your product, or view your product in their home or office. 

Let us know if you have any questions about 3D content on Amazon! 

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Brian Connolly is an Amazon seller, ecommerce expert, and writer for Jungle Scout. He lives in the New Jersey Shore area with his wife and cat. When he isn’t writing advice online for aspiring and experienced Amazon sellers for Jungle Scout, he spends his free time boating, fishing, and selling boating-themed items on his Amazon business.

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