

Amazon PPC Masterclass

The ultimate, exclusive guide to crushing your PPC campaigns and shooting to the top of Amazon search pages


Setting Up Pivot Tables

Covered in this lesson:

  • What do pivot tables do?

    Pivot tables are especially useful when you want to refine data and break different data points down in relation to other ones. For example, you can break keyword groups down and analyze their performance.

  • Can I filter it further?

    Of course! Amazon's template allows you to do things like filter by date range.


Analyzing Your Data Using Pivot Tables

Covered in this lesson:

  • How can I analyze just one product?

    Pivot tables allow you to see only the information you want to see. Using our tutorial, see how you can refine your results by product.

  • What metrics should I be looking for?

    The most important thing you need to look for is: Are you campaigns generating revenue for you? You want to make sure you're not losing money or wasting time.

  • What do I do with high cost keywords?

    With these, you want to make sure you're not running up your budget like crazy. Set a lower maximum bid for these ones, because they have a lower return on investment.

Lesson Five: Troubleshooting and Conclusion