
How to Use Jungle Scout

How to Use Jungle Scout

If you’re just starting your Amazon selling journey and not sure where to begin, you’ve come to the right place. 

Jungle Scout is the leading all-in-one platform for finding, launching, and selling products on Amazon and beyond. 

We provide sellers with advanced, up-to-date tools, features, and accurate data so you can make informed decisions about your Amazon business. 

From product research to managing your inventory, we’ve got a tool for everything (some with AI), and we’ll teach you all you need to know about how to use them. 

Follow along and you’ll have a perfect understanding of what tools we offer, how they work, and how they can help you start, run, and grow your Amazon business. 

Here’s what this article will cover:

Let’s get to it!

What tools does Jungle Scout offer?

Before we go over the functions of each tool in our suite, we’ll quickly list out each tool so you have a better understanding of what Jungle Scout can do for you! 

Jungle Scout is no longer just for product research. We can help you:

  • Find a profitable product
  • Find relevant keywords
  • Find suppliers
  • Track product performance
  • Track sales and profits
  • Manage inventory
  • Build product listings with AI
  • Analyze reviews with AI
  • Automate review requests

And that’s just scratching the surface. 

Get a snapshot of your business performance

When you first sign into Jungle Scout, you’ll see your Home Dashboard. This page gives sellers a quick status update on the performance of their business — you can view data from yesterday, this week, the last 7 days, last week, the last 14 days or the last 30 days. 

Sellers can see high-level metrics from the moment they’re logged in such as total sales, total profit, units sold, ROI, net margin, and average sales price. They can even track the performance of PPC campaigns. 

Without having to navigate Sales Analytics or Seller Central, sellers can quickly see the performance of their business in real time. 

The Home Dashboard also features many resources on how to use each of Jungle Scout’s tools, stay on top of Amazon news, sign up for webinars, and much more. 

Use Jungle Scout to find your first product

Product research is what Jungle Scout was originally built to tackle, and we continue to be the best at it to this day. Use Jungle Scout’s advanced product research tools to guide you to your first private label product — or your next bestseller. 

Product Database

A comprehensive database containing over 70 million products pulled straight from the Amazon catalog. Organize and explore all the product ideas that match your specific search criterias.

Opportunity Finder

Opportunity Finder unlocks the power of a keyword to discover promising product niches. Turn a keyword into a market segment, and see in-depth data on sales performance, emerging trends, and competitive insights.


You can add the power of Jungle Scout to your web browser by installing our extension for either Chrome or Firefox. Evaluate new opportunities, forecast product sales, and request reviews with the most robust browser extension for Amazon.

Most users who come to Jungle Scout for the first time are looking for a worthwhile product to sell on Amazon FBA. Use those three tools to help you find a profitable product. Once you find some product’s you’re interested in, add them to the Product Tracker tool to track sales and performance over time. 

If you need help learning any of our tools, simply visit the Academy in your Jungle Scout account or click the little camera icon next to a tools name.

Learn more about Jungle Scout plans and pricing here!

Conduct keyword research with Keyword Scout and Rank Tracker

On top of helping you find high demand, low competition products to sell, Jungle Scout has many other features to help you run and grow your Amazon business. 

Keyword Scout

In order for customers to find your products on Amazon, you need to include relevant keywords throughout your listings. You also need to be sure that customers are actually searching for those specific keywords. Keyword Scout allows you to instantly discover relevant, high-volume keywords to include in your listing and to target in your PPC campaigns. 

Simply enter a broad keyword into Keyword Scout, set your advanced filters, and the tool does the work for you. You’ll see relevant results to help you understand what consumers are searching for on Amazon, and how often.  

You can take your search one step further: see the keywords your competitor’s ASINs are ranking for by copy-pasting their product ASINs into Keyword Scout. With this information, you can find the keywords your competitors are spending money on, discover which ones you could be ranking for, and learn to target them better.

Rank Tracker

Once you find relevant keywords for your product using Keyword Scout, add them to Rank Tracker to track their performance and ranking over time. This tool gives you powerful insights on which keywords to focus on and which ones to scrap. 

Similar to Keyword Scout, you can also do a reverse-ASIN search in Rank Tracker to discover keywords that influence your competitor’s sales the most. This tool presents the organic and sponsored rank of your competitor’s keywords in an easy-to-view graph, so you can quickly identify weak spots in  your competitor’s page rank. 

This is an important step in the product research process, so make sure you take advantage of this powerful tool to fully understand what you may be up against when launching your product.

Find a supplier with Supplier Database

After conducting your product and keyword research, your next step is to find a reliable supplier for your product. Instead of sifting through thousands of potential suppliers online, the Supplier Database makes it easy for Amazon sellers to find reputable suppliers across the globe. This one-of-a-kind tool also reveals exactly where your competitors source their products.

Once you are in the tool, you can organize supplier quotes, samples, purchase orders, and contact information.

Optimize your listing with Listing Builder with AI Assist

You have your product and the keywords you want to target, but how do you build an optimized listing? Having a strong SEO strategy for Amazon is very important — without it, your product may be difficult for customers to find. 

Enter Listing Builder with AI Assist, which helps you automatically craft a keyword-rich listing to improve your product rankings in Amazon search results. 

You can import the keyword lists you generated with Keyword Scout, create new lists, or use our advanced filters to discover easy-to-rank keywords. Once you have your keywords ready to go, Listing Builder with AI Assist will create Amazon-ToS-approved title, bullet points, and a description with a click of a button. .

As you write your title, bullet points, and description, the tool will show you which keywords have been used and which ones are left to add to your listing. As you work on your listing, you’ll get an instant “listing rating” that will let you know if you need to make improvements.

Boost your rankings with Review Automation

Building up your review count is one of the hardest things about selling on Amazon — especially on a newly launched product. Review Automation automatically sends review requests to all of your customers, so you can both save time on manual requests and increase your chances of earning more reviews — without having to think about it. The best part is, it’s all Amazon ToS-approved.

All you have to do is connect your Seller Central account to Jungle Scout, and turn the feature on. It’s a set-it-and-forget-it feature.

Analyze product reviews with Review Analysis

Manually analyzing competitor product reviews during your product and market research phase is a tedious task. Jungle Scout’s AI Assist for Review Analysis provides sellers with a comprehensive analysis of product reviews and ratings for any ASIN, along with providing insights to improve the product. 

This feature can save sellers hours of time by including common positive and negative comments about the product, suggestions for improving the product, and a competitive comparison with tips for competing against the product.

Track your performance with Sales Analytics (now with AI Assist)

Making sales on Amazon is great — but knowing that you’re turning a profit is better.  Between Amazon fees, advertising expenses, and product costs, it can be hard to keep track of all these numbers. Sales Analytics organizes all of your sales data so you can truly understand the financial health of your Amazon business. 

This tool will factor in everything that affects your business’s bottom line, from PPC expenses, to refunds, reimbursements, FBA fees, and more. You can also keep track of additional business expenses such as photography, copywriting, and package design. Based on this information, you can make adjustments to your price point, advertising spend, and other inputs to ensure you’re running a profitable business. 

Within the Sales Analytics feature, AI Assist analyzes Profit Overview data such as revenue, profit margins, cost of goods sold, fees, and more to help make sense of your business’s performance.

Stay in stock with Inventory Manager

Nobody wants to run out of inventory. Not only will you miss out on sales, staying out of stock for too long could ruin your product ranking. On the other hand, if you order too much inventory that doesn’t sell, you can get hit with Amazon’s long-term storage fees. 

Inventory Manager addresses these problems by accurately predicting how much inventory you will need to avoid stockouts and storage fees. Its demand forecasting technology also analyzes inventory metrics such as revenue, average daily sales, and average profit per unit to keep you on track.

Offer deals with Promotions

When you first launch a product on Amazon, it can be difficult to get the ball rolling with those first sales and reviews. With Promotions, you can jumpstart the process by creating targeted promotional campaigns on Amazon. While reviews aren’t guaranteed, early sales will help increase your Best Seller Rank early on in the life of your new product. 

Stay up to date with Alerts

Alerts keeps you informed about your Amazon business as well as your competitor’s. You can receive notifications for critical changes such as shifts in BSR or new sellers added to your listing, even if you’re not logged into Jungle Scout. That way, you can take action, fast. 

Set custom thresholds to track your products and your competitor’s, so you always know what is going on within your market. 

Category Trends tracks the top 100 products of any category or subcategory on Amazon to help you identify which are the most lucrative. You can follow historical trend data to see how both market demand and specific products have performed over time.

Category Trends is integrated with all of our other tools, so you can quickly track product ideas or jump right into keyword research once you’ve identified an opportunity.

Get immediate answers to your questions with AI Assist Chat

Sometimes as a seller, you have questions. Whether about selling on Amazon or the specific tools you are using. With Jungle Scout’s AI Assist Chat, you can receive immediate, specific answers to your questions about selling on Amazon, growing your business, and more.

AI Assist Chat sources answers from Jungle Scout’s unmatched library of expert resources to give you accurate answers, fast.

The all-in-one platform for selling on Amazon

Once you know how to properly use our tools, you’ll be finding products in no time! We suggest spending at least 30-60 minutes a day researching products until you find something you want to pursue. 

Once you add some products to your Product Tracker, monitor the sales for at least one week so you can be sure a product you have your eye on sells consistently.

With a Jungle Scout subscription, you also get access to our in-depth academy training videos so you can learn more about How to Sell on Amazon

Do you want to know more about how to use Jungle Scout for your Amazon business? Let us know in the comments!

Ready to start selling with Jungle Scout?

Brian Connolly is an Amazon seller, ecommerce expert, and writer for Jungle Scout. He lives in the New Jersey Shore area with his wife and cat. When he isn’t writing advice online for aspiring and experienced Amazon sellers for Jungle Scout, he spends his free time boating, fishing, and selling boating-themed items on his Amazon business.

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